Why Say No to Drugs and Alcohol,Among the TOP STUDENTS in the WORLD is a GROUP of STUDENTS who have used OUR SERVICES!
WebSay No To Drugs! Few people deny the dangers of drug use, while many teens are curious about drugs. They should stay away from drugs because drugs affect our health, lead WebDrugs mess with the neurological function of the mind. Drugs can cause you to lose your capacity to remember, impairs your cognitive ability, and speak coherently. Drugs delay WebThe “Say No to Drugs” motto is now visible almost everywhere. Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times. Major newspaper headlines and sensational television WebTo stop consume drugs isn't easy. You have to realized first that drugs can destroy your life. That's mean you live in depression forever. Trying escape from your life problems to WebThose words had a lot more meaning to me and my peers when we were in elementary and middle school. However, as we reached the end of our grade school education, using ... read more
Every day, someone uses a dirty needle and later finds that he has contracted a…. Physiologically, drug abuse alter the way people think, feel, and behave by disrupting neurotransmission, the process of communication between brain cells Carl Sherman, People with drug addiction start to get agitate, they start to forget things, and they tend to indulge in abnormal behavior. People that abuse drugs will even go so far as committing an unlawful crime just to get that high that they are looking for. HOME ESSAYS Say No to Drugs. Say No to Drugs Better Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Drugs mess with your mind Drug use can cause you to lose your ability to remember things, to think clearly and to study properly.
Drug use gives you the impression that you are more alert and aware, but under the influence of drugs you are actually less aware, and less alert. Drug use can also cause people to act in strange unpredictable ways. A person can undergo a complete personality change when under the influence of drugs. Since drug residues can remain in the body for many years after they were taken, the effect on the mind can last a long time. Don't lose your mind! Avoid drugs. Drugs mess with your body Drug use can make you ill and an overdose can kill. Drugs are poisons after all. The list of diseases you can catch as a result of using drugs is very long and includes Hepatitis C, HIV and AIDS.
Since drugs also use up your body's supply of vitamins and minerals, you become more prone to diseases. Many drug users suffer from malnutrition as a result of their habit. Why be a loser? Stay healthy! Drugs mess with your wallet Drug use interferes with your ability, which can make it harder to earn money. In the long run, the more competent a person is in a job, the more likely that such a person will earn a higher salary. However a person under the influence of drugs is quite likely to make expensive mistakes and be incompetent. That is unemployment waiting to happen. Also, a drug habit can be REALLY expensive up to hundreds of pounds per day! and this is why many addicts are forced into crime. Don't waste your money. Drugs are the ultimate betrayer - you pay big money to destroy yourself.
Drugs mess with your travel plans Anyone convicted of drugs offences will not be allowed entrance into some countries such as Japan, Canada and USA. Why lose exciting opportunities to travel? Many people like to work abroad, particularly in the USA, for a time during their career. This would be. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Good Essays. Why People Shouldnt Do Drugs Words 2 Pages. Why People Shouldnt Do Drugs. Read More. The Truth About Drugs. Devils Demon Bad Effects Words 3 Pages. Devils Demon Bad Effects. Satisfactory Essays.
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Alice M Young Research Paper. Prescription Drug Abuse Essay Words 4 Pages. Protocol should be observed; the chairman of the school committee, principal, deputy principal, parents and my fellow students. Greetings should follow and; good afternoon? Welcome all of them and make them feel comfortable on the special occasion. I ought to proceed by introducing my topic. Us we all know drug abuse has been a dangerous vice in our society and it generally affects us either directly or indirectly. When I was given the assignment to make this presentation, I saw a great need to equip all of us with relevant knowledge on the harmful consequences of abusing drugs. Giving details on drug addiction and negative effects of drug abuse is essential in this part.
Drug abuse has numerous negative effects on the user and community as a whole. Addiction is the main problem that hinders us from accomplishing life set objective. It can trap anyone leading to harmful body consequences like lung cirrhosis. I should add a question like; how many of them know of drug addicts in our society? The sooner we seek rehab for them the more chances of gain and control of their entire life once again. On the other hand, avoiding the abuse of drugs is the best and safest to live healthier and long life. Citing those responsible for converting non-users to abusing drugs like peer pressures. On the side of drugs, use has negative effects by inducing mainly teenagers to abusing drugs. This leads to illicit behavior among youth like theft and possible rape as we all know obtaining drugs is expensive.
The abuse of drugs impairs ones judgment. Under the influence of drugs, one can easily behave unconventionally. This will lead to future problems like financial crisis and increase in the number of mental challenges persons in the society. If you have a question do not hesitate to ask. Many reasons causing us to abuse drugs must also be considered, because most of them can be avoided. They include, family problems, emotional distress, low self-esteem, losing a job, environmental stress and loosing close ones. Being focused and having a good structure of a life set objective can help us to avoid getting into drug abuse.
Neither a woman nor a man will feel better leaving with a drug addict in the family. The commonly abuse drugs are marijuana, alcohol and cigarette smoking. These drugs have an irritating smell like marijuana and test bitter like alcohol. After all, a difference should be seen in the audience faces. The well-being of our society depends on you and me to make it a drug free zone. Apart from ruining your health, drugs destroy what you cannot see. Most of our friends do not like the company of drug users. It is our general responsibility to say no to the abuse of drugs because they will only destroy our society.
Together we can eradicate drug abuse through our motto say no to drugs. Our society will grow when we direct the fund we use to buy drugs to other community special programs. The name of our society will become outstanding in a whole world level as drug free zone. All this is possible. Ladies and gentlemen should be appreciated for their time and contributions know they will all be leaving that room better than they came. thank them so. Among the TOP STUDENTS in the WORLD is a GROUP of STUDENTS who have used OUR SERVICES! Essay Homework Help offers academic writing services to students either struggling to write their own papers or who lack sufficient time to complete their paper on time.
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The allure of drugs is one that many people cannot resist. We all know someone who has been affected by drug addiction. It may be a teenager at school who is using marijuana for the first time or a friend you know who has become addicted to meth. Whatever the circumstance, there are many things you can do to help someone sober up from drug addiction. Addiction and alcoholism is more of a disease than a choice. This is because a disease makes people sick and withdrawal will give you symptoms like runny nose, cold sweats, troubles sleeping and nausea just like the flu. Also the human brain can be chemically changed which could cause unstable amounts of chemicals being produced. The body and brain will grow accustomed to these chemicals.
When the brain and body suddenly stops receiving these chemicals it can cause the body to go into withdraw. Those characteristics can cause people to be psychotic which is a disease but drugs can cause the same effect as those diseases. More than 28 million Americans are children of alcoholics or drug addicts; nearly 11 million are under the age of This figure is magnified by the countless number of others who are affected by parents who are impaired by other psychoactive drugs NCA, It can be spread like a disease and also addiction can affect the normal functions of the brain and other organs.
My own mother had problems with alcohol. She was constantly partying with her friends until the sun rose. Her addiction to alcohol never really affected me because I never had a stomach for alcohol consumption. Later did I find out that my mother was also snorting cocaine and painkillers. I still remember the night that she asked me if I have ever done it. At that point in time I used to smoke marijuana but I never ever thought about touching any hard drugs so…. People take drugs because they want to change something about their lives. They think drugs are a solution; but eventually, the drugs become the problem. Here are some of the reasons young people have given me for taking drugs: To fit in, to escape or relax, to relieve boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel, and to experiment; my opinion in regards to these not so important reasons is to get the facts and not to take drugs in the first place; which eventually becomes addictive.
Few reasons for teens drinking are: peer pressure, enjoyment, etc. That means that a large quantity of teens under the age of seventeen to eighteen have used alcohol before. We all know why teens drink, I mean is common since. Just the feel that they get of breaking the law is huge. By the time a teenager turns nineteen there is a 98 percent chance that he or she has tried at least one drug including alcohol. If a person asked ten teenagers at a party why they were getting high, that person would probably get ten different explanations. Drug abuse is usually the result of a problem, an outside influence, or the combination of these. There are many reasons why teenagers decide to use drugs, but there are specific influences that appear time and again.
At eighteen it is illegal to buy alcohol and if you are a daily drinker how else would people be able to get that same feeling if you were drunk. Teens could begin to become frustrated and need a back-up. Drugs such as marijuana, heroin is both illegal but yet people still use them as if they were legal. There is not an age limit for buying drugs. As a young teen under the influence of alcohol they have no control in what they do. Now days it becomes worse because they populations has grown an more teens are following the wrong foot steps in the wrong path and takes them off track an before they know it it will be too late and they have come addicted to using a drug that never occurred to them until alcohol was brought to the picture.
Just thinking of using alcohol or drugs to solve problems that have other ways around it is just not the way to go. So do not make the choice to start drinking because it will get very much out of hand before even noticed and may lead to many more dangerous stunts and accidents that we do not want to come across in the…. Drugs are something that are only done by choice. Some may say that people who do drugs are putting others in harm, but they are actually only putting themselves in harm. If someone wants to put themselves in a situation that may be harmful, it is their choice. For example, almost everyone gets into a motor vehicle at least once a day. Every year 33, people die from car crashes in the United States. Only 14, die from opioid overdose.
If such…. Research indicates that if a young person abstains from using illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco until at least age twenty, he or she will almost certainly avoid substance abuse for the remainder of his or her life. Surveys have established that many children abstain from using illegal drugs because an adult they respect -- usually a parent but often a teacher, coach, religious or community leader -- convinced them that using drugs was dangerous. Conversely, studies show that children who use drugs often lack appropriate adult guidance. Most teens lack confidence and give into peer pressure easily. Abusers must talk to anyone they trust which is why the support of friends and family is of prime importance.
Unfortunately, some parents don't get active and effectively step in until drug abuse in teens has become an un-escapable problem. Punishments such as revoking privileges, grounding, forbidding interaction with certain friends, and sending their teen to counseling are a few things that could help teenagers from getting involved in drugs and staying away from them. Helping juveniles out with drug marijuana use problems could give them new perspectives and insights through youth-adult relationships for youth and adults as they work in partnership. There are different tactics that parents can tell their kids about. Offer to be the designated driver which means that their kids can ask their friends if they want them to be the designated driver.
Some teens might say try to get there friends to do drugs to look cool. They might say something like come do this with us if you do it then you will look cool. There are many reasons why people do drugs. They want to fit in with other people, to escape or relax, to relieve boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel or simply to experiment. They think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become the problem. Kinda like when someone changes their mind about what they like just because someone else does or does not like it. Real true disease are not voluntary like addiction, you cannot just say hey I want cancer but you can say hey I want to be an addict. There is no way you can just say you want your cancer or malaria to go away and it be gone, but you can have willpower to beat your addiction.
Willpower will not cure real diseases. They say it is voluntary at first then turns into a disease, which has no correlation because you chose to start taking the drugs, you became addicted by choice. The reasons that people become drug users are varied. This action released many mentally ill people into society with no medication, support or follow up. If teens won't listen to directives from responsible adults, there's only one alternative. We have to do more in the way of education. Teens need to know the truth about how drugs and alcohol will threaten their future, not to mention their health and lives.
Another reason to not do drugs is, it is an expensive habit. Some may purchase drugs weeks or days at a time. Drug users could also end up stealing from family which breaks up a family even more. Excessive drug use leads to overdosing, which could lead to death. HOME ESSAYS Why Say No to Drugs and Alcohol. Why Say No to Drugs and Alcohol Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Many people have been brought up not to do drugs, and there are many reasons why. If you would ever go up to one of those kind of persons and asked them why they don't smoke or drink, most likely they would answer " Because I don't do that" or, "Because they mess you up big time" but the one that always seams to be brought up is "Because they kill you!
There are always the diseases. You may think that there is not much affect to drinking besides the fact that you can get drunk, except there is. There is always liver cancer , or the alcohol can just affect your liver, not causing cancer but still damaging it. And about drugs I actually never thought there were real diseases. All I knew about them was that they surely will kill you and that even though you try just once it can affect your brain a lot. People say that they just want to try one time, but that one time will either be a killer or they will most likely not stop doing them.
Then I discovered that for those people there is a kind of punishment. It's called GHB it's a disease that you get when you smoke but not enough to kill you, once you do its possible to get this disease or many others like LSD too. Kids my age are not likely to be doing drugs or alcohol at this time of age. The ones who are doing this kind of stuff must not know what they are getting themselves into. Even though we all see the news about people getting arrested for doing drugs, selling them, or car crashes caused by drinking and driving. Those kinds of people ignore this information and don't take it as a lesson. As the statements above have increased major lie by the years they have also been increasing because of the teenagers around the age of And yet parents ask them selves why do their kids do these kinds of things.
Of course they know why, pressure, family problems, school problems, all kinds of problems. And that's how the excuse of drugs and alcohol makes your. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful.
Say No to Drugs,No To Drugs
WebTo stop consume drugs isn't easy. You have to realized first that drugs can destroy your life. That's mean you live in depression forever. Trying escape from your life problems to WebWhy Say No to Drugs and Alcohol. Good Essays. Words. 3 Pages. Nov 18th, Published. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Many people have WebDrugs are chemicals, which access the brains communication system and interfere with the method nerve cells send, receive and process information. “Some drugs can change the WebJUST SAY NO TO DRUGS- WORDS ESSAY Term 1 / 2 4 paragraphs Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 2 Are you one of the curious teens who want to know about drugs? WebThe “Say No to Drugs” motto is now visible almost everywhere. Drug addiction is a major social evil of modern times. Major newspaper headlines and sensational television WebApart from ruining your health, drugs destroy what you cannot see. Most of our friends do not like the company of drug users. It is our general responsibility to say no to the abuse ... read more
Yes, You can! Why People Shouldnt Do Drugs Words 2 Pages. Therefore, partaking in doing drugs makes many people forget about their responsibilities in life. Say No to Drugs Better Essays. In another words, when the effect of the drug runs out, there will be uncomfortable signs urging the…. Drugs are consumed in different ways, by inhaling, taking by mouth, injecting, applying on skin, and smoking. Probably, some of the users don't know about the bad effects from consume drugs.
Why Kids Turn to Drugs. There are many reasons why people do drugs, say no to drugs essay. Satisfactory Essays. Although drugs give the body increased energy, it also leads to high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Also doing destructive things such as taking ecstasy along with crank, making out with a lot of people, and drinking other people 's blood.
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