Understanding Your Purpose,Purposes for Writing Essays
WebEssay Structure Writing an academic essay means fashioning a coherent set of ideas into an argument. Because essays are essentially linear—they offer one idea at a time—they WebA purpose is the aim or goal of the writer or the written product; a strategy is a means of achieving that purpose. For example, our purpose may be to explain something, but we WebSep 18, · An essay that concerns a specific problem (practical or theoretical) may be structured according to the problems-methods-solutions approach. This is just what it WebMay 24, · The purpose of an essay is to get your ideas across, usually in a persuasive manner. Essays are usually written for many different reasons: to get a WebThe vision of the good life defines who you want to be, what you want to be remembered for, and the accomplishments you want to achieve. Your vision defines ... read more
If you are asked to include research in your informative essay, choose reputable resources that provide facts, not opinions. An example of a persuasive essay might be one in which you persuade your audience to vote for your chosen presidential candidate. If you are asked to include research in your persuasive essay, your thesis statement should let the audience know what action you expect of them, and the research you provide in your essay should explain why that action is important. When you write to explain, your goal is to help your audience understand a process or situation.
An example of writing to explain might be an essay in which you explain to your audience how to bake a birthday cake, how to download software on your computer or how to register as a voter. When you write to entertain, your goal is to provide an emotional experience for your audience. An example of writing to entertain might be an essay in which you tell about your most embarrassing moment, recount your most memorable vacation or talk about a hardship that you've faced in your life. You should try to think of it from the reader's point of view and find ways to be creative with your writing so you can evoke the senses. The object is to try to make the reader feel something, whether it be to laugh, to cry or to simply make him or her think.
Rochelle Spears Wilson holds a MA in professional writing and a BA in English. She was a classroom teacher for nine years and taught English, social studies and technology. She has worked with students in grades and now owns her own consulting business. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Because my interests are broad and I value an interdisciplinary approach, I would like to pursue graduate study ultimately leading to a PhD in Classical Archaeology. Archaeology in itself is, of course, a multi-faceted field, requiring knowledge of history, language, anthropology, and various scientific and technological methods. I have already started building my skills in this area: I participated in a microartifact analysis from the excavation of a Maya site in Belize as part of an honors project, and this summer I will take part in two archaeological projects in Turkey after working as a research assistant on related material in the spring semester.
This PhD program includes many other opportunities I am eager to explore, such as palaeography and papyrology courses, and especially the variety of fieldwork and museum experiences available. I believe that my strong background in the classical languages and wide range of courses on classical civilization and archaeological methods have prepared me well for this program, and I am convinced that, guided by my philosophy of interconnectedness, I will flourish in this program. The first step is to read the application instructions.
These should include the length of the document usually pages , any formatting requirements, and often a question or prompt that indicates what you should focus on. In some cases, you might also be asked to submit a personal statement. But a statement of purpose is often more formal, tightly focused on your academic background and your suitability for the program. A typical statement of purpose prompt looks like this:. But all statements of purpose should contain the following elements. This is your chance to introduce yourself to the admissions committee and let them hear your voice. Give an overview of your academic background, and show what drives your interest in this field or profession.
You might want to include some personal background too—your family history, social circumstances, personal relationships and life experiences have all shaped your trajectory and perspective. What unique insights will you bring with you? Think about aspects of your character that make you well-suited for graduate school. Avoid including irrelevant autobiographical detail in the statement of purpose. Your experience shows that you have the necessary skills to succeed in graduate school. This might include:. In all cases, give specific examples with details of what you worked on, what you achieved, and what you got out of the experience.
What are your motivations for applying? How do you plan to make the most of its opportunities, and how will it help you achieve your goals? For academic programs, indicate your research interests, showing how they follow from and build upon what you have studied so far. For professional programs, outline your career aspirations and show how your experience informs your goals. Follow these tips to make your application the best it can be. One way to do this is by building your text around a central theme—for example, a character trait, an intellectual interest, or a career goal.
This strategy helps structure your text and puts your priorities centre stage. Link each paragraph back to the central idea, making it clear how everything fits together. The structure of a statement of purpose is somewhat flexible, as long as you include all the relevant information in an order that makes sense. For example, you might start with a chronological story of where your interests began, or you might open with your goals and then select a series of examples that show your capacity to achieve them. The important thing is that the text showcases your strengths and motivations in a compelling, coherent way.
As in any other piece of academic writing, make sure each paragraph communicates one main idea, and that each sentence flows smoothly and logically from the last. Use transition words and topic sentences to move between paragraphs. The bare facts of your achievements—grades, prizes, work experience—are already included in your graduate school resume and transcripts. Use the statement of purpose not to repeat yourself, but to add personal meaning and texture to these facts. If you got top marks for your thesis, describe the research process and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the topic. If you completed an internship or participated in a project, explain what new skills you learned and which aspects you found most valuable.
If you already have lots of experience in the field, show how each step developed your skills and shaped your current plans. Spend plenty of time revising, editing and proofreading your text before you submit. Make sure you stay within the recommended length, and check if there are any specific formatting requirements. If not, use a standard 12pt font, 1-inch margins and 1. When you have a final draft, our professional statement of purpose proofreading service can offer an extra pair of eyes to make sure every sentence is perfect. Proofread my statement of purpose. You're on the way to a successful application. To maximize your chances of getting accepted, a Scribbr editor can help you improve your language, style, and structure.
McCombes, S. How to Write a Statement of Purpose Example.
Published on September 18, by Jack Caulfield. Revised on November 11, The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction , a body , and a conclusion. But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay , make decisions about your structure, and organize your text logically. Table of contents The basics of essay structure Chronological structure Compare-and-contrast structure Problems-methods-solutions structure Signposting to clarify your structure Frequently asked questions about essay structure. There are a few general principles that can guide you here.
The first is that your argument should move from the simplest claim to the most complex. The body of a good argumentative essay often begins with simple and widely accepted claims, and then moves towards more complex and contentious ones. For example, you might begin by describing a generally accepted philosophical concept, and then apply it to a new topic. The grounding in the general concept will allow the reader to understand your unique application of it. The second principle is that background information should appear towards the beginning of your essay. General background is presented in the introduction. If you have additional background to present, this information will usually come at the start of the body. The third principle is that everything in your essay should be relevant to the thesis.
Ask yourself whether each piece of information advances your argument or provides necessary background. The sections below present several organizational templates for essays: the chronological approach, the compare-and-contrast approach, and the problems-methods-solutions approach. The chronological approach sometimes called the cause-and-effect approach is probably the simplest way to structure an essay. It just means discussing events in the order in which they occurred, discussing how they are related i. the cause and effect involved as you go. A chronological approach can be useful when your essay is about a series of events.
Explore the tabs below to see a general template and a specific example outline from an essay on the invention of the printing press. Scribbr editors not only correct grammar and spelling mistakes, but also strengthen your writing by making sure your paper is free of vague language, redundant words, and awkward phrasing. See editing example. Essays with two or more main subjects are often structured around comparing and contrasting. For example, a literary analysis essay might compare two different texts, and an argumentative essay might compare the strengths of different arguments.
There are two main ways of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay: the alternating method, and the block method. In the alternating method, each paragraph compares your subjects in terms of a specific point of comparison. These points of comparison are therefore what defines each paragraph. The tabs below show a general template for this structure, and a specific example for an essay comparing and contrasting distance learning with traditional classroom learning. In the block method, each subject is covered all in one go, potentially across multiple paragraphs. For example, you might write two paragraphs about your first subject and then two about your second subject, making comparisons back to the first.
The tabs again show a general template, followed by another essay on distance learning, this time with the body structured in blocks. An essay that concerns a specific problem practical or theoretical may be structured according to the problems-methods-solutions approach. This is just what it sounds like: You define the problem, characterize a method or theory that may solve it, and finally analyze the problem, using this method or theory to arrive at a solution. If the problem is theoretical, the solution might be the analysis you present in the essay itself; otherwise, you might just present a proposed solution.
The tabs below show a template for this structure and an example outline for an essay about the problem of fake news. Signposting means guiding the reader through your essay with language that describes or hints at the structure of what follows. It can help you clarify your structure for yourself as well as helping your reader follow your ideas. In longer essays whose body is split into multiple named sections, the introduction often ends with an overview of the rest of the essay. This gives a brief description of the main idea or argument of each section. The overview allows the reader to immediately understand what will be covered in the essay and in what order. Though it describes what comes later in the text, it is generally written in the present tense. Transition words and phrases are used throughout all good essays to link together different ideas.
They help guide the reader through your text, and an essay that uses them effectively will be much easier to follow. Because Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. Although it was an outcome the Allies had hoped to avoid, they were prepared to back up their ultimatum in order to combat the existential threat posed by the Third Reich. Transition sentences may be included to transition between different paragraphs or sections of an essay. A good transition sentence moves the reader on to the next topic while indicating how it relates to the previous one.
However , considering the issue of personal interaction among students presents a different picture. The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas. The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas. Instead, it should be centered on an overarching argument summarized in your thesis statement that every part of the essay relates to. The way you structure your essay is crucial to presenting your argument coherently.
A well-structured essay helps your reader follow the logic of your ideas and understand your overall point. Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:. You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay. Caulfield, J. Have a language expert improve your writing. Proofreading Services. Run a free plagiarism check in 10 minutes. Plagiarism Checker. Generate accurate citations for free. Citation Generator. Home Knowledge Base Essay How to structure an essay: Templates and tips. What can proofreading do for your paper? Template Example Alternating essay outline template Introduction Hook Background Thesis statement First point of comparison Subject 1 Subject 2 Second point of comparison Subject 1 Subject 2 Third point of comparison Subject 1 Subject 2 Conclusion Synthesis of arguments Importance of topic Strong closing statement.
Template Example Block essay outline template Introduction Hook Background Thesis statement First subject Point 1 Point 2 First subject, continued Point 3 Point 4 Second subject Point 1 compare Point 2 compare Second subject, continued Point 3 compare Point 4 compare Conclusion Synthesis of arguments Importance of topic Strong closing statement. What is the structure of an essay? Why is structure important in an essay? How do I compare and contrast in a structured way? Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways: The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time. The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.
Do I have to stick to my essay outline as I write? Is this article helpful? Jack Caulfield Jack is a Brit based in Amsterdam, with an MA in comparative literature. He writes for Scribbr about his specialist topics: grammar, linguistics, citations, and plagiarism. In his spare time, he reads a lot of books. Other students also liked. You should start with an outline of its structure, but you can change the organization as you write. They help the reader understand connections between ideas. What is your plagiarism score? Scribbr Plagiarism Checker. Presents your topic Provides background Gives your thesis statement. Core arguments and analysis Presents evidence e.
quotes One main point per paragraph Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence All paragraphs relate to your thesis.
Purpose of Writing an Essay,Table of contents
WebA purpose is the aim or goal of the writer or the written product; a strategy is a means of achieving that purpose. For example, our purpose may be to explain something, but we WebSep 18, · An essay that concerns a specific problem (practical or theoretical) may be structured according to the problems-methods-solutions approach. This is just what it WebThe vision of the good life defines who you want to be, what you want to be remembered for, and the accomplishments you want to achieve. Your vision defines WebEssay Structure Writing an academic essay means fashioning a coherent set of ideas into an argument. Because essays are essentially linear—they offer one idea at a time—they WebMay 24, · The purpose of an essay is to get your ideas across, usually in a persuasive manner. Essays are usually written for many different reasons: to get a ... read more
As Marie suggests, having a basic essay format can be extraordinarily useful for writing a variety of different styles of essays , each tailored to a different purpose. Once they have their purpose in mind and an audience for whom they are writing , writers may more clearly formulate their thesis. I have explained how the program will help me achieve my goals. I always told my parents that I ate my own lunch. I have described any relevant experience and shown my development over time.
If you missed our newsletter about the secret of a basic essay format, take a peek purpose of an essay Essay maps ask you to predict where your reader will expect background information, counterargument, close analysis of a primary source, or a turn to secondary source material. In my first semester at university, I started learning Latin and thoroughly loved it. THE PERSONAL NARRATIVE ESSAY. Purpose and Writing Assignments.
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