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Population growth essay

Population growth essay

Population Growth Essay,Population Growth : Questions On Global Growth And Growth

1. To tackle this problem, the government of developing countries needs to tak 2. The government and various NGOs should raise awareness about family 3. The healt See more WebNov 13,  · considering the growth of the world’s population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main factors with a fifth element now,slowly becoming a large WebPopulation growth can be defined as an increase or decrease in the population size of living species including human beings. Human populations are also subject to natural WebAug 27,  · The average human population growth amounts to 83 million annually. The human population has grown from being only 1 billion world wide in , to billion WebJul 6,  · The human population in the world has been growing a an extremely fast rate, but with a growing rate of population, comes with it a potentially fatal problem: ... read more

The rapid growth of the population has caused major effects on our planet. The rapidly growing population in the world has led to the problem of food scarcity and heavy pressure on land resources. Generating employment opportunities in vastly populated countries is very difficult. The development of infrastructural facilities is not able to cope up with the pace of a growing population. So facilities like transportation, communication, housing, education, and healthcare are becoming inadequate to provide provision to the people. The increasing population leads to unequal distribution of income and inequalities among the people widened.

There will be a large proportion of unproductive consumers due to overpopulation. Economic development is bound to be slower in developing countries in which the population is growing at a very fast rate. This also leads to low capital formation. Overpopulation makes it difficult to implement policies. When there is rapid growth in a country then the government of that country is required to provide the minimum facilities for the people for their comfortable living. Hence, it has to increase housing, education, public health, communication and other facilities that will increase the cost of the social overheads. Rapid population growth is also an indication of the wastage of natural resources.

To tackle this problem, the government of developing countries needs to take corrective measures. The entire development of the country depends on how effectively the population explosion is stemmed. The government and various NGOs should raise awareness about family planning and welfare. Awareness about the use of contraceptive pills and family planning methods should be generated. The health care centres in developing and under-developed countries should help the poor people with the free distribution of contraceptives and encourage the control of the number of children.

The governments of developing countries should come forward to empower women and improve the status of women and girls. People in rural places should be educated and modern amenities should be provided for recreation. Education plays a major role in controlling the population. People from developing countries should be educated so that they understand the implications of overpopulation. Based on the number of deaths and births, population growth might be positive or negative. If a country's birth rate outnumbers its death rate, the population grows, whereas more ends result in a drop. There are 7. Mumbai, the Bollywood capital, is India's most populous city, with a population of 12 billion people.

The article also states that doubling food production would defer the problems of present-day birth rates by at least a few decades. Ways that we can fix this problem is trying to reduce our interest in having a lot of kids. Yes, we have the freedom to choose however many children we want to have, and some people want to keep their family generation going and wants it to be big but our earth needs to be stable enough for it to be a safe environment. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Human Population Growth Essay. Accessed February 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper.

Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Plagiarism scanner DO THE CHECK. Home Science Geography Population Population Growth. Related Topics Relationship Utilitarianism Caesar Salem Witch Trials Victorian Era Donation King Dream War of French and Indian War Ancient Rome Ceremony Tribe Progress Opportunity Difficulties Ancient Egypt Howard Aztecs Patriarchy. Human Population Growth Essay In biology, human population growth is the increase in a number of each individual in a population. The response to the argument is that people should be able to reproduce if, when and as often as they wish, A, Oluwole, That source only covers overpopulation at a small scale, but it brings up questions for the entire earth to consider: should countries start a form of population control in order to stop overpopulation?

The second source, Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided is about how overpopulation and overconsumption might cause a global collapse. Their argument is that humanity is in an act of suicide on a grand scale Ehrlich, The collapse of human civilization is driven by overpopulation, overconsumption of natural resources and the use of unnecessarily environmentally damaging technologies. To support seven billion people currently, half of an additional planet would be needed, and if everyone consumed resources at the US level, it would take four to five more Earths Ehrlich, While everyone claims that technology will boost the carrying capacity of earth, technology will also decrease it as well as the amount of resources.

Finally, food will become a major problem if people continue to eat the way they do now Ehrlich, After reading through all the articles, my opinion is that while overpopulation is not a problem overall, it is a problem in many developing countries. Because of the lack of resources there, their population density is already going to be smaller, and even though infertility is a problem. Governments are still going to try to fix this problem. With these resources lost to other programs, it ultimately will decrease the population capacity for that country. The source most convincing to me was the scientific journal article, Affordable assisted reproductive technologies in developing countries: pros and cons, due to how it specifically goes onto a smaller and more detailed issue.

Whereas the other sources was about global overpopulation, this one is on developing countries. By using media sources to learn a bit about topics, and then scientific articles to really understand the issue, it can only serve to make arguments stronger, better, and more credible. World Population Growth. com, Jul 06, Accessed February 7, com , Jul Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert.

Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Exclusively available on PapersOwl. Cite this. Topics: Human Overpopulation , Overpopulation. Category: Environmental Issues. Pages : 6. Words : Download: Order Original Essay. How it works. For any subject. Need a custom essay on the same topic?

The human population in the world has been growing a an extremely fast rate, but with a growing rate of population, comes with it a potentially fatal problem: overpopulation. Overpopulation is when the environment, or in this case Earth, can no longer support a species due to it not having a sufficient amount of resources to handle the population. While overpopulation is always ultimately going to be a problem, the real issue is when overpopulation is really starting. There are many people who believe that we are quickly approaching the problems that will arise with overpopulation, but there are many others who believe that overpopulation is not an issue that we will have to deal with for a while.

To better understand this controversial topic, I analyzed a variety of sources from everyday media, popular science, and peer-reviewed scientific journals and then compared them to ultimately form my own opinion on the issue. The easiest of the three sources to read, as well as the one most people will look at, was the everyday media articles. When reading them, it was pretty clear that these were written to be read by everyday people to understand instead of people who have spent years studying it. There were rarely any charts or graphs, and they tend to hyperbolize their counterarguments. The argument for why overpopulation is not a problem is simply because there is still plenty of resources left.

Morse, , the world currently produces enough food to feed 10 billion people Morse, While hunger is still a problem in the world, it is not due to the number of people, and instead is due to catastrophic political failures like famines Morse, Furthermore, nations like the United States could acquire large gains in agricultural production by tweaking foreign land use rules Stone, With more people in the world, there will also be more human ingenuity which will allow more scientific breakthroughs in agriculture as well as all other sciences Morse, Even meat, which will require more energy to sustain, will take a while before running out, and even then there are many grains and such which will be accessible Morse, Our writers can help you with any type of essay.

For any subject Get your price How it works. Water, another vital resource, is also increasing in production. Using freshwater withdrawals, which have increased seven-fold since , the world will still have a steady supply of water for the growing population Morse, , and while yes there still are people who are facing a lack of water crisis, that is due to the area not being in the right location Morse, When it comes to the fact that the human population is growing, it has to be remembered that it is not growing exponentially, and then while the growth rate is increasing, the growth rate actually decreased from before, going from 1.

As far as actual land to house people, it is estimated that every person on the planet could have a half acre of farming land if the world was to be divided like that Morse, , but realistically the population density in places like the United States is very small compared to places like the E. U, which still has a balanced or even positive agricultural trade Stone, Another thing that can be done by governments is by deregulating the housing industry Stone, Doing things like reducing parking requirements and height limits, allowing landowners to build freely on their property would boost population capacity and cost of living Stone, Ultimately though, because of the low growth happening in places like the U.

S, many media sources will claim that the problem of overpopulation is irrelevant Stone, However, not ever popular media source claims this. In The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, it claims that overpopulation is a problem that needs to be addressed. With a million and a half people added every week, things will eventually be crowded. And so the lifestyle of people needs to change The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, Questions like do we need population control or How can we attain zero population growth on a planet where its losing its basic ecological infrastructure need to be answered soon if not now The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, With estimations claiming that by , the earth will inhabit 9.

Assuming that humans are growing exponentially, natural resources are being used faster than they can being replaced, which is lowering the standard of living and creating economic pressures both at home and the rest of the world The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, Because humans have an insatiable demand for things like food, building materials, and fuel, it is causing problems in the environment like a decrease in forests, toxic oceans, and the extinction of species The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, Even with our advanced technology, humans are still wasting resources and destroying the earth, just at a slower rate The Overpopulation Problem: Running Out of Natural Resources, They wanted to address many different topics lightly instead of do one topic heavily.

This ultimately takes away from the reliability of these types of sources. These sources could be used if someone wants to learn a bit about the subject from a biased point of view, but to really understand the issue, he or she would have to do a lot more in depth research. Moving on to the peer review scientific journal articles, these were much harder to read. They are a lot longer, use a lot more formal and scientific words, and has many statistics and variables that can make it difficult to really understand. The first source, Affordable assisted reproductive technologies developing countries: pros and cons is focused specifically on developing countries.

The summary of the source, or the abstract, discusses the infertility in developing countries and how they they could use reproductive technologies, but is argued to not due to overpopulation. In the developing countries with infertility, most of it is attributed to damage caused by infections of the reproductive tract, notably gonorrhoea and chlamydial infection. A, Oluwole, The argument against ART, Assisted reproductive technologies, is that overpopulated countries should not prioritize infertility management A, Oluwole, The response to the argument is that people should be able to reproduce if, when and as often as they wish, A, Oluwole, That source only covers overpopulation at a small scale, but it brings up questions for the entire earth to consider: should countries start a form of population control in order to stop overpopulation?

The second source, Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided is about how overpopulation and overconsumption might cause a global collapse. Their argument is that humanity is in an act of suicide on a grand scale Ehrlich, The collapse of human civilization is driven by overpopulation, overconsumption of natural resources and the use of unnecessarily environmentally damaging technologies. To support seven billion people currently, half of an additional planet would be needed, and if everyone consumed resources at the US level, it would take four to five more Earths Ehrlich, While everyone claims that technology will boost the carrying capacity of earth, technology will also decrease it as well as the amount of resources.

Finally, food will become a major problem if people continue to eat the way they do now Ehrlich, After reading through all the articles, my opinion is that while overpopulation is not a problem overall, it is a problem in many developing countries. Because of the lack of resources there, their population density is already going to be smaller, and even though infertility is a problem. Governments are still going to try to fix this problem. With these resources lost to other programs, it ultimately will decrease the population capacity for that country. The source most convincing to me was the scientific journal article, Affordable assisted reproductive technologies in developing countries: pros and cons, due to how it specifically goes onto a smaller and more detailed issue.

Whereas the other sources was about global overpopulation, this one is on developing countries. By using media sources to learn a bit about topics, and then scientific articles to really understand the issue, it can only serve to make arguments stronger, better, and more credible. World Population Growth. com, Jul 06, Accessed February 7, com , Jul Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Exclusively available on PapersOwl. Cite this. Topics: Human Overpopulation , Overpopulation. Category: Environmental Issues. Pages : 6. Words : Download: Order Original Essay.

How it works. For any subject. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Did you like this example? WRITE MY PAPER. Cite this page World Population Growth. Don't let plagiarism ruin your grade Make sure your essay is plagiarism-free or hire a writer to get a unique paper crafted to your needs. CHECK MY ESSAY HIRE WRITER. Leave your email and we will send a sample to you. Email Get sample. Not Finding What You Need? Search for essay samples now Find. Having doubts about how to write your paper correctly? GET QUALIFIED HELP. Please check your inbox. Don't use plagiarized sources This essay is available online and might have been used by another student.

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Human Population Growth Essay,Essay on Population Growth

Webconsidering the growth of the world’s population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main factors with a fifth element now,slowly becoming a large are fertility rates, WebPopulation Growth Essay. Over time, human population has increased and unfortunately has caused a lot of problems to the economy as well as to the WebAug 27,  · The average human population growth amounts to 83 million annually. The human population has grown from being only 1 billion world wide in , to billion WebJul 6,  · The human population in the world has been growing a an extremely fast rate, but with a growing rate of population, comes with it a potentially fatal problem: WebNov 13,  · considering the growth of the world’s population there Is a concentrated look at Four Main factors with a fifth element now,slowly becoming a large WebPopulation growth can be defined as an increase or decrease in the population size of living species including human beings. Human populations are also subject to natural ... read more

Essay on Population Demographics. You can order an original essay written according to your instructions. Population Growth Introduction Population growth is the increase in the number of people through birth rate and immigration rate within a specific population with respect to the decrease within the population though emigration rate and death rate. Delhi, India's most populous city, comes in second with 11 billion inhabitants. Population Growth on Nigeria. Ways that we can fix this problem is trying to reduce our interest in having a lot of kids. We are currently using so much natural resources that we will run out very soon.

Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements? Age Demographics. Negative Population growth essay On Population Growth Words 4 Pages, population growth essay. Population Growth : The Importance Of Controlling Growth Words 7 Pages. Unfortunately, future supply of these natural resources may not be able to meet the increasing demand Supply and Demand, With the population increasing day-by-day, we will face more shortage in the future.

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