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Essay child labour in india

Essay child labour in india

Child Labour Essay,FAQs on Child Labour Essay

WebEssay on Child Labour in India. Child labour is done by any working child who is under the age specified by law. The word, “work” means full time commercial work to sustain self or WebJun 17,  · India has some certain laws pertaining to child labor like children under the age of 14 should not be working in hazardous conditions but there are many children WebIndia has ratified six ILO conventions[13] relating to child labour but have not ratified the core ILO conventions on minimum age for employment (convention ) and the worst WebOct 27,  · There have, in fact, been many cases of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to child domestic workers and they continue to have to work in unsafe and WebThere are an estimated total number of million child laborers in the entire globe. The prevalence of child labor amongst children varies from country to country based on ... read more

However, with the growth of the industries and urbanization, the issue of child labour has increased. Children at a very tender age are employed for various inappropriate activities and they are forced to make hazardous stuff using their nimble fingers. They are employed in the garment factories, leather, jewellery, and sericulture industries. There are a number of factors that contribute to the rise of this peril. Poverty plays a major role in the issues of child labour. In poor families, children are considered to be an extra earning hand. These families believe that every child is a bread-earner and so they have more children. Illiteracy is an important factor that contributes to this problem. The illiterate parents think that education is a burden because they need to invest more in comparison to the returns that they get in the form of earnings from their children.

Child labourers are exposed to unhygienic conditions, late working hours, and different enormities, which have a direct effect on their cognitive development. The tender and immature minds of the children are not able to cope with such situations leading to emotional and physical distress. Unethical employers also prefer child labourers to adults because they canextract more work from them and pay a lesser amount of wage. Bonded child labour is the cruellest act of child labour. In this type of child labour, the children are made to work to pay off a loan or a debt of the family. Bonded labour has also led to the trafficking of these impoverished children from rural to urban areas in order to work as domestic help or in small production houses or just to lead the life of street beggars.

The government has a very important role to play in the eradication of child labour. As poverty is the major cause of child labour in our country, the government should give assurance to provide the basic amenities to the lower strata of our society. There should be an equal distribution of wealth. More work opportunities need to be generated to give fair employment to the poor. The various NGOs across the nation should come forward and provide vocational training to these people in order to jobs or to make them self-employed. In some industries children are forced to do repetitive and tedious work like weaving carpets, assembling boxes, polishing shoes, cleaning and arranging shops goods.

It is seen that children are found working more in the informal sectors compared to factories and commercial registered organizations. Little children are often seen selling in the streets or working as domestic servants within the high walls of homes — hidden away from the eyes of the outside world. The children are used for military purpose and child prostitution. The most appalling form of child labour is prostitution and modelling for child pornography. Some children are even sold to fiefs by their parents for money. According to the statistics given by International Labour Organization there are about million children between the age of 5 and 17 working all over the world. The figure excludes domestic labour.

The fact that vulnerable children are being exploited and forced into work, which is not fit for their age, is a human rights concern now. India and other developed and developing countries are really plagued by the problem of child employment in organized and unorganized sectors. Child labour is a human rights issue of immense sensitivity. As per the International Labour Organization, the children who have not attained the age of 15 should not get forcefully involved in any kind of work. Employing children in work at an early age make their childhood deprived of the right to education along with the lack of mental, physical and social welfare. As per the Indian law, the children under the 14 years of age should not be hired to any work at the workshops, organizations or restaurants.

Their parents cannot also force them to do any job. There are numerous causes of child labor like repression of child rights, poverty, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc. The reasons for the child labor are almost the same in different nations. The high level of unemployment and the problem of poverty in developing countries are the primary cause of child labor. As per the statistics of U. The lack of right to regular education is one of the reasons for child labor in numerous nations. According to the research done in the year, , nearly 76 million kids have not seen the face of the school. Violating the regulations about the child labor has also provided the way to enlarge this problem in developing nations.

Insufficient social control has resulted in an increasing percentage of child labor in the region of domestic work or agriculture. Small kids have to get involved in the child labor to add up in the income of their family so that they can eat food for at least two times a day. With the purpose to eradicate the problem of: child labor from society, there is the necessity to follow certain effective way out on a serious basis to protect the future of an emerging nation. Constructing new unions might benefit in stopping child labor since it will inspire more people to support against the point of child labor. The parents should consider the education of their children as the priority from their childhood. In this movement, the schools should also cooperate by providing free education to the children without any obstruction.

There should be a high level of social awareness regarding child labor with the accurate statistics of enormous damage in the future for any emerging nation. Every single family should earn their minimum earnings with the purpose of surviving and preventing the problem of child labor. It will also decrease the number of people living below the poverty line in the country which ultimately reduces the child labor cause. There is the requirement of more strict and effective government rules against the child employment with the aim of preventing the kids from working at their early age. The child laborers must be substituted by the adult labors so that the adult can get the job and kids get free from the child labor.

The opportunities for employment for the adults must be increased for adults to decrease the issue of poverty as well as child labor. Trade proprietors of manufacturing work, businesses, mines, etc. Child labor is one of the broad social issues that require getting resolved on an urgent basis. This step is incomplete without the support of parents as well as the government. Kids carry a flourishing prospect of any developing nation. Thus, they should be a considerable concern of all the citizens. Children should get appropriate chance to grow and develop inside the contented surroundings of school and family.

People should not use them for their earnings or for-profit motive. Children have full right to live their personal life with proper education. Children are a gift and blessing to a family. They deserve the unconditional love and care of the parents. It is inhuman to take advantage of their innocence and helplessness. However in India, a lot of children are being subjected to child labour, probably due to lack of awareness. They are deprived of a happy and normal childhood. Child Labour involves engaging children to produce goods or services for financial gain. It denies their right to attend regular school and enjoy a happy childhood. It rips their capacity in the bud to have a good future. It affects the overall development of their physical and mental faculties.

When children are involved in full or part time work, it affects their schooling, recreation and rest. Poverty is the foremost cause of child labour in India. Indian children have the history of labouring with their parents in their professional activities. However, the right of that child for education and normal childhood is denied in the process. Some illiterate parents often subject their children to bonded labour. Unaware of the exorbitant interest rates, they exploit their children by allowing to labour against their debt. Sometimes, the non-availability of affordable education in the villages are a cause of child labour.

In such cases, they are not in a position to abide by the law. Rather than stealing and begging, they tend to allow their children to labour at a young age. Sometimes, greediness of men play a part in child labour. The parents, who wish to increase the economic status of the family subject their children to labour. The employers, on their part, prefer child labourers against adults, taking advantage of the low labour cost. Some families traditionally believe that the next generation should continue their family business. The children of these families are restricted to pursue their own goals in terms of education and career. In the Indian Society, there are still people who believe that girl children are fit only for domestic chores.

So, girls often lose their right for education and normal childhood. Child labour laws were formulated to prevent child labour, monitor and punish violators, and rehabilitate the victims. They were laid down as early as during the colonial rule. But, year after year, during the various Government regimes, several amendments were made. The overall development of their sound spirit, soul and body was emphasized. The policy underlined the right of the child to enjoy a happy childhood, to clear the causes that dampen their development, to educate the society to strengthen family ties and to protect them from all kinds of mistreatment.

In the policy, the rights of the child to survive, to enjoy good health, to be nourished with nutritious food, to have overall development of their personality, their opportunity for good education, their protection from abuse and participation in decision-making of their future life were the key priorities. This policy is due for review every five years. The Government is working close with social agencies and common public to solve the issues of child labour. Since , National Child Labour Project Scheme NCLPS started to reinstate the rescued child labourers working in hazardous occupations.

When children are rescued, they are enrolled in Special Training Centres and given education, meals, stipend, health care and recreation. Eventually, they are directed towards mainstream education. Adolescents rescued are given skilled trainings and suitable jobs. The present Government has revived this scheme in with the latest use of technology to register child labour complaints online. Since the community and local governance have definite roles in the welfare of a child, many programmes are being conducted to create awareness and sensitize the common people.

Several coordination and action groups have been formed at State and District levels to monitor. The Ministry of Women and Child Development MWCD is the nodal Ministry that oversees and coordinates the implementation of the current policy. The Government and the stakeholders like him, with their organisations, are working closely to root out this social evil by In India, child labor refers to the hiring of any child below the age of 14 for the purpose of any economic benefits. In other words, it is illegal for an organization, including shops and factories to engage a child in their business for physical labor. This especially holds true for employment with occupational hazards, such as coal mines, welding, construction works, and painting, etc.

Though constitution makes employing the kids for laborious works a punishable offense, data says otherwise. Many national and international laws have been created to give these children protection from child labor but ground reality is something else. In India alone, more than 50 million children are forced into child labor for one or the other reasons. First of all, poverty strikes a major percentage of the total population of India. Life in rural areas of villages is even more difficult. The poor economic condition and low standard of living pave the way for child labor. To compensate for the daily needs of food and survival, both boys and girls are forced to work beyond their capacities. It is fair to say that they are left with no choice.

Lack of education in the rural areas means parents are less educated. Consequently, they also do not value the importance of school and education in the lives of their own children. In the scarcity of contraceptive awareness, couples end up having multiple children. Arranging three meals every day becomes an impossible task and the children learn it the hard way quite soon. Girls are often prevented from going to school at a very low age. They are made to help in the fieldwork and the house chores as well. The story is not much different for the boys too. They quit school in order to take up some labor work in factories and farms and help their father in breadwinning. Child labors are easy to afford. They can be made to do more tiring jobs at low pays.

Waking up every day to a never-ending list of chores sounds like something out of a movie. A Cinderella story, you could call it. Yet, unlike our favorite childhood princess, this situation is a very real one for many children our age and younger. Deprived of fond childhood memories, children of India are forced into child labor at the [far too] early age of five. Rather than going to school and receiving a basic education, these preschool-aged kids have worked long and tireless hours for little or no pay. Jobs can range from domestic work to factory employment — and many more. With so many child workers and such horrible conditions, it borders slavery on a very thin line.

Based on the inappropriate age, the lack of a normal childhood, and the unfathomable conditions with no pay, child labor in India must be stopped. Child labor is beginning to give a feeling of déjà vu, bringing memories back to times of slavery and civil rights movements. Child domestic workers are becoming more popular in India. As they work in urban areas, conditions are usually unregulated, pay low wages, and often exclude care or sustenance. Some will argue that families place their children in domestic work with consent because the homes offer care and employment, however, they do no such thing.

There have, in fact, been many cases of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to child domestic workers and they continue to have to work in unsafe and harmful environments. Another current example resembling some form of slavery is bonded child labor. When a child is bonded to [or is passed on debt from] their family, the child is forced to work under sometimes illegal and hazardous conditions, often including agricultural labor. Many of these bonded laborers are migrant workers, which gives way to more exploitation; the kids are likely to experience physical and sexual abuse as well as [neglect, leading to] death.

The horrendous conditions they grow up with sadly ensure a lack of social skills, psychologically or mentally disturbed. This country continues to overlook its moral compass and endanger young generations on a daily basis. Child labor restricts our newest generations from going to primary school and receiving a basic, formal education. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Child Labor in India. Accessed February 7, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Plagiarism scanner DO THE CHECK.

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Child labour in India,Free Child labour in India Essay Sample, Download Now

WebThere are an estimated total number of million child laborers in the entire globe. The prevalence of child labor amongst children varies from country to country based on WebEssay on Child Labour in India. Child labour is done by any working child who is under the age specified by law. The word, “work” means full time commercial work to sustain self or WebJan 15,  · Child labour essay. KL20SWA CADET VINAYA V SREE KERALA VARMA COLLEGE THRISSUR 7 KERALA GIRLS BATTALION NCC. Posted by WebIndia has ratified six ILO conventions[13] relating to child labour but have not ratified the core ILO conventions on minimum age for employment (convention ) and the worst WebOct 27,  · There have, in fact, been many cases of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to child domestic workers and they continue to have to work in unsafe and WebJun 17,  · India has some certain laws pertaining to child labor like children under the age of 14 should not be working in hazardous conditions but there are many children ... read more

Having fewer children means that they are valued, and parents focus on providing for their nourishment, education, and long-term well-being. Many more dangerous habits become a normal part of their lives. Unfortunately, even after a recorded number of child labour in various industries, there has not been a single reported case of child exploitation or illegal child labour. Yet, unlike our favorite childhood princess, this situation is a very real one for many children our age and younger. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. It does not store any personal data.

This especially holds essay child labour in india for employment with occupational hazards, such as coal mines, welding, construction works, and painting, etc. They sacrifice their lives, for their family even without knowing the personal repercussions in their later life. A hotter star is the one which is more The fact that vulnerable children are being exploited and forced into work, which is not fit for their age, is a human rights concern now. They deserve the unconditional love and care of the parents. Let a Professional Expert Help You.

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